Carter Funkhouser

Carter Funkhouser

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Columbia University

I am a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University working with Dr. Randy Auerbach. My work generally aims to understand how, when, and why people experience depressive symptoms and related thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Much of my work uses digital tools (e.g., smartphones) to detect and predict symptoms and related processes over relatively short timescales, with the goal of identifying novel targets and opportunities for early or just-in-time intervention. I am also interested in using digital mental health to make interventions more scalable, accessible, and/or effective. An additional line of my research aims to identify risk factors that predict depression over longer timescales (e.g., years) to help identify at-risk individuals earlier and inform preventative interventions. Broadly, my research is informed by alternative models of psychopathology, including the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP), network theory, and the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC).

  • Depression
  • Risk
  • Digital mental health
  • Experience sampling
  • PhD in Psychology, 2022

    University of Illinois at Chicago

  • MA in Psychology, 2018

    University of Illinois at Chicago

  • BA in Psychology (Applied Statistics minor), 2015

    Connecticut College